Sedations (Nitrous Oxide)
Some complex dentistry procedures require sedatives to help patients remain comfortable throughout their treatment. At Just Smilez Dental, we safely administer sedatives like nitrous oxide, better known as laughing gas, when a long and specific treatment requires it. We believe that our patients should feel comfortable and educated about the use of sedation in our practice. By gaining a better understanding of how sedation works, the experience will be less nerve-racking for you and your loved ones.
The sedation process of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, will leave you or your child feeling relaxed and calm while receiving treatment. It is the most commonly used sedative by dentists and is a very safe form of sedation. Nitrous oxide works by safely slowing down the body’s reactions, leaving you feeling relaxed and less anxious.
Using a mask, our practitioners will administer you the nitrous oxide with a mixture of oxygen. You will begin to feel the effects within 5 minutes of administration. Once your dental procedure is complete, our practitioners will then administer pure oxygen to help you return back to normal.

Using a mask, our practitioners will administer you the nitrous oxide with a mixture of oxygen.
You will begin to feel the effects within 5 minutes of administration.
Once your dental procedure is complete, our practitioners will then administer pure oxygen to help you return back to normal.
The process of administering nitrous oxide is the same for your children. For younger patients, a trip to the dentist can often be an intimidating experience. Our practitioners will make sure your child feels comfortable and relaxed while we prepare them for their treatment. We will walk both you and your child through the steps that we take to ensure safe delivery of nitrous oxide.
We are more than happy to answer any questions you have about preparing for dental treatment that requires the use of sedatives. With highly trained, friendly staff, we will provide you with the best recommendations that you or your loved ones should follow to help make your treatment as smooth and comfortable as possible.